This page was originally created by the SOGICA project. This is a list of online databases and organisational resources providing country-specific information in relation to the situation and treatment of LGBTQI+ individuals. It is a joint initiative of the SOGICA project, Asylum Research Centre (ARC) and Rainbow Migration. It is intended as a resource for legal representatives and advisors to people claiming asylum on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression. The content will be kept up to date as far as possible but it should not be seen as a comprehensive list, nor is it intended to replace existing sources. Rather, it is intended to improve signposting to material that is already publicly available. We are not responsible for the accuracy of the content included nor are we providing any form of endorsement of the sources listed here. More importantly, none of the information here should be taken as an endorsement of the safety of LGBTQI+ people in a particular country. In addition, the resources listed should not be seen as comparable or having equal weight in terms of accuracy or validity and a source assessment is always recommended. Please note that some of these resources are for members and subscribers only.
- African Human Rights Coalition
- Amnesty International
- Asylos (member only)
- Asylum Research Centre
- Electronic Immigration Network
- Equal Rights Trust
- European Asylum Support Office
- European Country of Origin Information Network (ECOI)
- Human Rights Watch
- OHCHR Human Rights by Country
- Refworld country reports (to Jan 2019)
- US Department of State
- 76 Crimes
- Commonwealth Equality Network
- Frontline AIDS
- Gay Law Net
- Human Dignity Trust
- ILGA-Europe
- Kaleidoscope Trust
- LSVD (German only)
- Organisation for Refuge, Asylum & Migration (ORAM)
- OutRight Action International
- Refugee Legal Aid Information SOGI country list
- Transgender Europe (TGEU)
- University of Toronto – SOGI Country-Conditions Memos