As thousands of Ukrainians flee their war-torn country every day, the compassionate response from people across Europe has been heartwarming. Here in the UK more than 150,000 people have offered to open their homes to refugees, showing just how badly our government misjudged the British public when drafting its #AntiRefugeeBill. We are a diverse and welcoming society, not one that wants to criminalise and impoverish those seeking safety here.
In this context it was great to see the #AntiRefugeeBill suffer some major defeats in the House of Lords this month. Although the Lords disappointingly ran out of time to vote against the increased standard of proof for asylum claims, they did oppose two important clauses that would have serious consequences for LGBTQI+ people: The one that would class LGBTQI+ people that don’t claim asylum right after arrival as a second class of refugee and ‘less credible’ (Clause 11) and the one that could send LGBTQI+ people to countries that are openly anti-LGBTQI+ to process their asylum claims (Clause 12).
The bill returns to the Commons tomorrow and this is the last chance for MPs to really stand up for LGBTQI+ people seeking refuge. To stop some of the most harmful aspects of the #AntiRefugeeBill, they need to support these vital amendments made in the Lords.
Please sign this petition that we co-signed or help us spread the word on Twitter today by retweeting us or posting using #AntiRefugeeBill.